Our mission and leadership

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”
Ralph Nader

What is our renewed mission in this decade and how might we continue to lead?

Leading the Financial Planning Profession
We deeply believe that it is of value for everyone to engage in some financial planning.

A key part of the vision of the firm is therefore ‘to be foundational in the building of the global profession of financial planning’. We are looking to help shape the profession and see a time when the general public genuinely recognises financial planning as a profession and where anyone in the UK has ready access to a competent and qualified financial planner.

This we do in a variety of ways. We have a history of team members serving on the boards of the professional bodies within financial planning, both within the UK and internationally.

“Paradigm Norton are forerunners in the UK financial planning profession, therefore their positive impact goes beyond their clients’ investments to accelerating the adoption of sustainable investing as ‘business as usual’ amongst the wider financial services industry.”
Gavin Francis Founder and Director, Worthstone

Also, we have worked in schools and universities, providing basic budgeting and financial planning advice. In addition, we are significant contributors to the annual pro-bono “Financial Planning Week, led by the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.

Financial Planners often talk about an emerging financial planning profession with new career opportunities for high calibre graduates looking for an alternative to law and accountancy. However, at the moment there is no recognised career path for graduates to aspire to. If we are to realise our bold ambition, this must change. Paradigm Norton are seeking to create the ‘go-to’ financial planning firm.

Find out more

start of a new journey PDF cover

Read our Impact Report HERE

This article is distributed for educational purposes and should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy, or investment product.